Let's Talk Risk...

Mitigating Operational Risk During Expressions of Freedom of Speech

Mitigating Operational Risk During Expressions of Freedom of Speech

Operational risk is the risk of loss that generically results from failed internal processes, a lack of preparedness in governance, unforeseen external events, criminality, and/or a disconnect from community. The risks we manage are a continuous multidimensional review of the totality of our risk existence. They require us to constantly be aware of our surroundings and the processes that make our risk governance effective and viable.

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Risk in Claims Management

Risk in Claims Management

When I first began my career in risk management, my new boss told me that the credentials after my name were impressive, but the legal experience behind them was lacking. My boss explained to me that I would be working under the direction of outside legal counsel who needed to teach me how best to defend my entity in documenting a claim file as directed.

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Risk management is…

Risk management is…

My lifetime experience is risk. Now that I have my own risk consulting firm, I’m asked what exactly it is that I do. When I introduce myself, I often get a perplexed stare. Risk…um…what? It’s a delight to embrace that perplexity and a wonderful challenge. So, it’s like this….

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Proactively Managing Risk in Governance

Proactively Managing Risk in Governance

Risk professionals navigate the complexities of governance, facing perfect storms during leadership changes. Public-private partnerships demand respect, transparency, and accountability. Unicorns symbolize false promises, challenging good governance. Adversity tests risk managers, relying on competence, character, and consistency. In the dance of storms, embracing new horizons ensures stability and positive change, one step at a time.

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Risk Relationships in Special Events

Risk Relationships in Special Events

Community special events provide unique opportunities for public engagement, local economy boosting, and wide-scale publicity. Effective organization and management depend on collaboration between the government and private sectors. A meticulously planned event can offer businesses promotion opportunities. However, the success hinges on efficient communication, risk assessment, and mitigation. They not only attract diverse populace and potentially new ventures but also increase the community’s risk profile, requiring careful planning and management.

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Safety Committees – A Call to Communicate

Safety Committees – A Call to Communicate

Safety Committees are successful when members are patient, communicate effectively, and work together respectfully. The goal is to solve problems and reach consensus, often navigating political and community-related complexities. The key to success in risk and safety management includes equality in decision-making. Achieving consensus sometimes requires ingenuity, even using cookies and lollipops to ease tension. Facing adversities presents opportunities for improvement and growth. Encouraging an environment of camaraderie, self-confidence, and requirement, where members feel equally integral, fosters a reliable and robust Safety Committee.

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Risk Partners in Claims Administration

Grace in Governance

The Public Risk Management Association discusses the importance of governance and grace in risk management. Highlighting the negative impact of electronic communication and social media, it emphasizes the necessity of human interaction for better understanding of nuanced issues. The blog also reminds professionals to appreciate different viewpoints, stressing that good leadership often involves agreeing to disagree. In their view, the road to positive governance may be harder than a simple keystroke, but it’s a necessary journey.

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